Timely Warning

Timely Warning The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires all universities and colleges that receive federal financial aid to keep campus crime statistics and security information and make them available to the public. While I believe this statute to have a positive impact on the transparency and prevalence of instances of rape and sexual assault, the way Purdue University shares this information is not helpful and obscures the intent. Is it to draw attention to the crimes? Is it to tell students to not typically go to the police immediately. The most egregious aspect of these emails is the prevention tips that to victims of these crimes, and many of them make absolutely no sense. A tip such as, “define your sexual limits and practice being assertive about your boundaries,” as if the perpetrator of these kinds of crimes cares about your boundaries as if there was merely some misunderstanding between the predator and the victim. This is gross. Since when are rapists willing to listen to your limits? That is exactly what makes them rapists. These emails do nothing to help stop the toxic culture that created this problem in the first place and rely on the same old tired argument that if only victims were more vigilant, they would not have been targeted. Video Documentation of Walking Performance at assault locations alone at night.

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